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VSP - Very Special Person
Property Management & Rentals

Apartado 3609
8135-999 Almancil - Portugal

Tlf: (+351) 289 094 544
Tlm: (+351) 914 805 779


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Very Special


Vera Pascoal has managed our property for the past 7 years. The level and standard of service that she has provided throughout...    
Mr. Leach – DD 643 Dunas Douradas
For the past 7 years under her previous employment Vera Pascoal has looked after the management and ‘day to day’ running of...    
Mr. and Mrs. Klahr - Dunas Douradas
We would strongly recommend Vera Pascoal ( VSP Property Management Lda) for villa management. The service provided to us has been...    
Mr. and Mrs. Haigh - DD 624 Dunas Douradas