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VSP - Very Special Person
Property Management & Rentals

Apartado 3609
8135-999 Almancil - Portugal

Phone: (+351) 289 094 544
Mobile: (+351) 914 805 779


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Your contact is of utmost importance to us. It helps us to promptly reply about the needs of our clients and prospects. We will reply as soon as possible.

Very Special


We would strongly recommend Vera Pascoal ( VSP Property Management Lda) for villa management. The service provided to us has been...    
Mr. and Mrs. Haigh - DD 624 Dunas Douradas
We have been using VSP for quite some time now as they were highly recommended to us by a very reliable and trustworthy source....    
Mr & Mrs A Baldwin - 102/1 Vale do Garrao
For the past 7 years under her previous employment Vera Pascoal has looked after the management and ‘day to day’ running of...    
Mr. and Mrs. Klahr - Dunas Douradas